Follow Lesley's own Program that she uses to win international body sculpting titles
Each month Lesley releases the month's training schedule along with detailed gym sessions and video based exercise technique guides to ensure you are maximise results without risking injury. Each month has a particular focus.
Join The Tribe Members in motivating each other and share results
Exclusive access to Lesley Maxwell Memberships with direct access to Lesley and where you can interact with other Members that are doing the same sessions as you on the same day, motivate each other and share results.
Access to Easy Clean Eating Guide and Nutritionist's Meal Plans
Participants are raving about how easy and delicious these recipes are to prepare and the results they are achieving with sculpting their bodies, remember abs are made in the kitchen!
What's in Gym Sculpt?
Welcome to your Gym Workouts
Join the Facebook Tribe
January Beginner Routine
Beginner Session Plan
January Beginner Program
January Routine (Intermediate)
Intermediate Session Plan
January Intermediate 3/5 Day Split
January Intermediate 4 Day Split
January Routines (Advanced)
Advanced Session Plan
January Advanced 3/5 Day Split
January Advanced 4 Day Split
Get the Monthly All Access Membership Now
Gives you access to the Gym and Home workout plans, plus the Easy Clean Eating Guide, Nutritionist Meal Plans and the Video Based Exercise Library
*you can cancel your membership anytime, there are no lock-in periods