Bring Your Sexy Back Program

Delivered by World #1 Figure Sculpting Fitness Champion Lesley Maxwell

This program has been designed by Lesley to get real-world results and specifically targets women and men 40+ who are determined to ‘Bring Their Sexy Back’. Participants will not only feel and look younger, but they will experience a huge boost in confidence.

  • Delivered by World #1 Figure Sculpting Champion

    Lesley Maxwell (World Champ - 30+ Body Sculpting Titles) guides you to 'Bring Your Sexy Back' using her amazing secrets and techniques that propelled her to number 1 in the world!

  • Video Based Technique Guides

    Every exercise is fully explained and demonstrated on video by Lesley to ensure you are maximising your results and staying injury free throughout your Bring Your Sexy Back 90 day journey

  • Three Phases Over 90 Days

    Using the proven Phase One - Building the Foundation, Phase Two - Body Reshaping & Phase Three - Final Body Sculpting methods, you'll learn the secrets that will turn heads in just 90 days

  • 144 Delicious & Filling Body Transformation Recipes

    Lesley shares her vast recipe library (with vegetarian options too 😁). The library ensures you'll never get bored, always feel satiated (full) whilst melting stubborn fat away, maintaining energy to exercise and successfully 'bringing your sexy back'

  • Amazing Support Throughout The Program

    You receive Lesley's support throughout the program. She provides BONUS weekly hints, tips and accountability checkins direct to your inbox to make sure you are kept on track. You also get exclusive access to the BYSB 90 day program community, where you can speak live with Lesley and get support and encouragement from the whole BYSB community

90 Day BYSB Program Contents

  • 1

    The Journey

    • About Me

    • Welcome Aboard - There's 4 Parts to the Program...

    • Commit & You Will Get Results

  • 2

    Understanding the BYSB Basics

    • Bring Your Sexy Back - The Basics

    • Food in The Program

    • The Recipe Library

  • 3

    Why Does Strength Training Matter to Bringing Your Sexy Back?

    • The Seven Top Reasons Why You Should Take Part in Strength Training

  • 4

    The Moves

    • Basic Human Movement Patterns

    • Squats

    • Lunges

    • Pull

    • Push

    • Bend

    • Twist

    • Gait

  • 5

    Your Core

    • What Exactly Is Your Core?

  • 6

    Slow Metabolism?

    • Build Muscle to Fire-up Your Metabolism and Remove Fat

  • 7

    Work Smarter Not Harder

    • Muscle is Metabolically Active

    • Become Lean Without Running a Single Step!

  • 8

    Phase One - Build the Foundation (14 Days)

    • Welcome to Phase One

    • Phase One Overview

    • Phase One Exercises

    • Bodyweight Seated Leg Extension and Ankle Stretches

    • Half Squats

    • Lunges

    • Ski Squats

    • Hip Bridges

    • Heel Taps

    • Arm Circles

    • Incline Push-ups

    • Tricep Dips

  • 9

    Phase Two - Body Reshaping (40 Days)

    • Yay You've Done It - Welcome to Phase Two!

    • Phase Two Overview

    • Phase 2 Exercises

    • Full Squats

    • Lunges

    • Plie Squats

    • Good Mornings

    • Hip Bridges

    • Toe Taps

    • Arm Circles

    • Face Pull with a Band

    • Incline Pushups

    • Chest Press - Dumbbell

    • Dumbbell Rows

    • Tricep Dips

  • 10

    Phase Three - Final Sculpt (36 Days)

    • You're Almost There - Welcome to Phase Three

    • Phase Three Overview

    • Phase Three Exercises

    • Dumbbell Squats

    • Dumbbell Lunges

    • Dumbell Plie Squats

    • Good Mornings

    • Face Pull with a Band

    • Arm Circles

    • Floor Push-ups

    • Chest Press - Dumbbell

    • Dumbbell Rows

    • Dumbbell Pullovers

    • Dumbbell Shoulder Press

    • Dumbbell Bicep Curls

    • Tricep Kickbacks

    • Tricep Dips

    • Ab Bicycle

    • Hip Bridges

  • 11

    Is Walking Effective?

    • Walk This Way

    • What is Your Style?

    • Treadmill or Outdoors - Which is More Effective?

    • Interval Training

  • 12

    What's Next?

    • So What Comes Next?

Get the Monthly All Access Membership Now

Gives you access to the Home Sculpt Program, Gym Sculpt Program, Bring Your Sexy Back Program, BYSB Recipe Library and the Video Based Exercise Library

*you can cancel your membership anytime, there are no lock-in periods

What’s the BYSB Recipe Library

A huge selection of specially designed recipes to ensure that you'll never get bored with your food choices or hungry on the home sculpt program and you'll be strengthening your body and health from the inside out!

✅ Over 30 Breakfasts

✅ Over 40 Small Meals

✅ Over 40 Main Meals

✅ Over 35 Sides and Snacks

Discover more about the Recipe Library Here >

BYSB Exercise Library

Lesley demonstrates the correct technique for every exercise in the program

Easy to use video demonstrations for every exercise of the Three Phases in the 90 Day Bring Your Sexy Back Program. Using the proven Phase One - Building the Foundation, Phase Two - Body Reshaping & Phase Three - Final Body Sculpting methods, you'll learn the secrets that will turn heads in just 90 days.

The BYSB Exercise Program is structured to ensure that you'll maximise your results and be injury free throughout your journey. All videos have been specifically shot for delivery on mobile, you'll have coaching on hand no matter where you choose to complete your exercise routines.

Get the Monthly All Access Membership Now

Gives you access to the Home Sculpt Program, Gym Sculpt Program, Bring Your Sexy Back Program, BYSB Recipe Library and the Video Based Exercise Library

*you can cancel your membership anytime, there are no lock-in periods